That's a quote from poet Lee Upton and it summarizes how I'm feeling these days. Maybe you too? This may not be your jam yet, but I'm hugging people like there's no tomorrow, remembering another quote, this one mis-attributed to the Buddha: "the trouble is, you think you have time."
Still thinking about my conversation this week with author Bernadette Murphy about risk, our brains, our culture and how we can expand our comfort zone to embrace the fullness of life--which includes risk. Her book, Harley and Me: Embracing Risk on the Road to a More Authentic Life is a must-read. Find her book here and our conversation on The Dareful Project podcast website and all the other places you find good podcasts, Apple, Spotify, Audible.
Talking about risk, I'm thinking about planting tomatoes this weekend. Too late in the summer? We'll see.